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 阿達 的日記本
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篇名: Catch A Cold
作者: 阿達 日期: 2005.07.18  天氣:  心情:

What an unlucky day!  I don't feel good after having some shaped ice after dinner at my mom's home.  God damn!  I think I've got a cold.  Maybe I've caught the cold from my brother's daughter.  She has a running nose and this might be the reason since she was sitting by me during the dinner time. 
There is an acute typhoon attacking Taiwan.  Haha!  I've earned a day off!  Those kids are really terrible.  Just don't know why their parents haven't taught them well.  Some act without good manners at restaurent.  What a shame.
Any way, I have to pen off before the electricity shut down.  Hope the typhoon won't cause any disastrous loss.  God bless Taiwan!  Hope there is no one hurt this time.
Well, what should I do for tomorrow if without a computer?  God please don't make the electricity shut down!

瀏覽次數:406    人氣指數:9326    累積鼓勵:446
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校園暴力事件 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 人生以服務為目的?