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天國近了 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 百萬美元妓女: 章子怡
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篇名: Diane Tran
作者: ac 日期: 2012.05.31  天氣:  心情:
Diane Tran, 17歲, 美國德州 11 年級榮譽生, 曠課太多, 被判入獄.

Diane Tran 的父母離異; 因此, 她必須做兩份工作, 以支持她的兄妹(一個哥哥上德州 A&M 大學, 一個妹妹). 由於工作時間太長, 她早上經常睡過頭, 因此缺課太多, 被法官判入獄, 加罰款100美元.

電視報導 Diane Tran 被判入獄的消息後, 熱心人士募得超過10萬美元要幫助 Diane Tran; 但 Diane Tran 不接受; 她要他們把錢送給更需要幫助的人.

這個世界, 有百萬美元妓女章子怡, 也有 Diane Tran.

Community Comes to Aid of Jailed Texas Honor Student

May 31, 2012

A 17-year-old Texas honors student who was jailed for missing too much school because she had to work two jobs to support her siblings, refused to accept the more than $100,000 a website raised for her.

"We saw her trying to work and trying to go to school and trying to do all these things and then to have the judge put her in jail for missing school just seemed a little harsh," said Paul Dietzel, who helped raise the money for Diane Tran. HelpDianeTran.com is a project of the Louisiana Children s Education Alliance.

But Tran didn t want the money: "There s some other kid out there struggling more ... than me," she said.

The 11th-grader s story sparked national outrage last week after a Houston judge charged her with contempt and sent her to jail after 10 unexcused absences in a six-month period, which is the law in the state of Texas.

"If you let one of them run loose, what are you going to do with the rest of them?" Judge Lanny Moriarty told ABC News affiliate KHOU. "A little stay at the jail is not a death sentence," he said.

After Tran s parents got divorced, supporting her older brother and younger sister fell to her. Her mother relocated out of state and her father often worked too late to come home, according to Mary Elliot, Diane Tran s boss at her weekend job.

After going to school from 7 a.m. – 2 p.m., Tran worked full-time at a dry cleaner s. On weekends, she helped Elliot throw weddings. Tran said that some mornings it was just hard to get out of bed.

瀏覽次數:402    人氣指數:2822    累積鼓勵:121
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天國近了 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 百萬美元妓女: 章子怡
時間:2012-06-03 07:05
他, 48歲,苗栗縣,製造/供應商
