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富士康中國成都廠千人大暴動暴動 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 浪漫時刻
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篇名: Miss Pettigrew
作者: ac 日期: 2012.06.09  天氣:  心情:
我的好友, 擊汐, 新增日記:拿男人的錢,應該嗎? (05-30 12:34 發表)

我寫了許多回應. 她的日記和我的許多回應, 基本上是針對中國女明星章子怡與男人 "互動" 的批評; 章子怡從與男人 "互動" 中獲得約新台幣三十二億.
西方媒體稱中國女明星章子怡為: 百萬美元妓女.

我在對擊汐日記的回應, 引述了很多的故事; 因為, 我喜歡從不同的角度提出不同的觀點, 並讓讀者自己作結論.

今天,我要介紹一個電影: Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day.

這部電影是有關女人與男人"互動", 女人也從中獲得好處; 但不是新台幣三十二億, 但, 可以說是為: "求生存."

先聽歌; 如果仍然有興趣, 我再介紹.
"If I Didn t Care" Scene - Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day

時間: 二戰前不久; 地點: 英國倫敦.

Guinevere Pettigrew 小姐是一個教區牧師的女兒. 因為她的教養, 她似乎不太能適應這個世界. 她職業是女家庭教師, 但經常被雇主解僱. 介紹所甚至不再願意幫她介紹工作. 情急之下, Pettigrew 小姐自行去應徵偷窺到的就業機會.

Delysia Lafosse 是一個歌女. 因為同行多有社交秘書, 同儕壓力, Lafosse 也想要有一個社交秘書. Pettigrew 來應徵, 進入了 Lafosse 的浮華名利場.

為 "求生存," Delysia Lafosse 與數個男人 "互動", 在數個男人的夾縫中, 求生存.


Lafosse: Guinevere?

Pettigrew: - Mmm-hmm?

Lafosse: Tell me the honest truth. It s a darned fix, isn t it?

Pettigrew: Nothing that can t be unfixed with some good common sense.

Lafosse:But take a look at the headlines. With Nick, I get this magnificent flat and my job at the Peacock.
And with Phil, I get the best part on the West End stage and my chance to be a star.

Pettigrew: And with Michael?

Lafosse: With Michael... I get the best friend I ever had.

Pettigrew: Is that all Michael is?

Lafosse: Well, he s rather passionate, too. I know what you re thinking. Michael s the one.
But what about everything else? And who says I m looking for a darned husband this very minute, anyway?

Pettigrew: Not everything comes along just when we want it.
There are times when choices just have to be made, or you certainly will miss out.

Lafosse: No. No, I won t accept that. I won t.
This " all of you or none of you" stuff that Michael s pulling. It s too much.

Pettigrew: But he is in love with you, Delysia. Can you say that about anyone else?

Lafosse: Guinevere, haven t you ever been torn between more than one person at the same time?

Pettigrew: No, I can t say I ve had that particular problem.

上面對話提到的人物, 在前面聽歌 "If I Didn t Care" Scene 都可找到:

唱歌的歌女是 Lafosse.

第一個鼓掌的女人是 Pettigrew.

節目主持人是 Nick Calderelli; 他是 Peacock 俱樂部老闆, Lafosse 住的豪宅也是他的. 並Calderelli 沒有和 Lafosse 同居; 他是有 "需要" 時, 才找 Lafosse "互動."
Lafosse: With Nick, I get this magnificent flat and my job at the Peacock.

那個年輕的小伙子是 Phil Goldman; 他是 West End 的節目製作人. 英國倫敦的 West End, 相當於美國紐約的百老匯, 是歌劇院的所在. Lafosse 要好的角色, 所以和他 "互動"; 希望, 有一天, 成為明星.
Lafosse: with Phil, I get the best part on the West End stage and my chance to be a star.

彈鋼琴是 Michael Pardue. Michael 是真正愛 Lafosse 的人; 但, 他是一個窮光蛋.
Pettigrew: And with Michael?
Lafosse: With Michael... I get the best friend I ever had.
Pettigrew: Is that all Michael is?
Lafosse: Well, he s rather passionate, too. I know what you re thinking. Michael s the one.
But what about everything else? And who says I m looking for a darned husband this very minute, anyway?
Pettigrew: Not everything comes along just when we want it.
There are times when choices just have to be made, or you certainly will miss out.

瀏覽次數:470    人氣指數:4070    累積鼓勵:180
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
給本文愛的鼓勵:  最新愛的鼓勵
富士康中國成都廠千人大暴動暴動 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 浪漫時刻
時間:2012-06-09 09:18
男女基於相愛的基礎上, 交往當中, 只要男人有能力(不是借貸)
也本著心甘情願贈與對方金錢財物等, 女人接受有何不可? (前提是: 非在對價條件所做的交往)
媒體報導的章子怡與薄熙來事件內容, 章是有條件(開出金錢價碼)下與男人交往, 掠取財物,
