As中天電視 recently aired a series of stories titled “台灣天空的祕密” to pay tribute to the airmen who lost their lives during cold war era, especially regards to so call mysterious 34th and 35th squadrons.
I was fascinating about ROCAF (ROC Air Force) since I was in very young age. I was dreamed to follow the foot step of my father to grow up to be a ROCAF pilot. I used to hear so many stories about General I, Fu-En who my brother help wrote and compiled his memoir and the stories regarding the 34th squadron which most of the pilots, navigators, radio operators and mechanics were recruited from either 10th or 20th Tactical Airlift Group stationed at Pingtung to flew B-17, B-25 and P2V-7U for mainland reconnaissance missions on the earlier days and later flew C-123 on Vietnam airlift missions. My dad, himself also was dispatched to Vietnam to fly C-46 to aid Vietnamese government during late 1968 through 1969.
I have seen a lot of my childhood friend’s dad or neighbors pay the ultimate price by scarifies their lives for this country for doing many dangerous secret assignments and missions. Hopefully, we will never forget of those unsung heroes who scarify their lives to protect us from communist aggression and those family members who suffer through the horrible tragedy of losing the love ones. We are forever indebted to them.