謝謝弄影的祝福! 妳講到重點了 似乎大部分男人 都無法了解女人真正在意的是甚麼.... 我想我也不用太自怨自艾 以為只有自己的男人不夠體已.... 我牽車了耶~ 前天那賣車的業務員陪我練車 握著方向盤 真的是快意又開心 ^^
Happy Birthday to you too! You must have viewed the world differently in last year. Ha ha ha.... As being a 50-year-"old" woman,sometimes I feel sad. But,I m trying to don t be that negative. I hope I can be the so called mature,wise senior person.
加油!加油!加油!加油!加油!加油!加油!加油!加油!..... 呼!....累死了 ^^